Chaya tells Gunjan to choose a song and suggests to her some but Gunjan says all her suggestions are for guys and she’ll chose a song meant for a girl. Bua says to choose a song for a girl and starts to sing. Dholu says he wants to dance too and Gunjan says okay. Gunjan, Chaya and Rachana along with Dholu and Shail start dancing. Gunjan’s phone is ringing and she sees its Vihaan’s call. She picks it up and Vihaan thinking its Gunjan asks how the preparations are going on. Rachana tells him its her and if he wants to talk to Gunjan then she’ll call her. Vihaan said he only called to wish her all the best since her engagement is tomorrow and says if she’s busy then its okay. Rachana tells him Gunjan’s busy and she’s very happy since her dreams have come true. Vihaan says hope Gunjan stays happy and tells Rachana to pass the wishes. He says he hopes tomorrow is the best day for Gunjan and then asks Rachana what she’s wearing. Rachana hesitates but Vihaan tells her to wear red as its his favourite colour. Rachana says she’ll hang up as she has work to do and he says okay. Rachana realizes she doesn’t have any red clothes and worries what she’ll wear.
Shail comes into the girls room and wakes up Gunjan. She tells Gunjan to go to the temple as its a big day for her. Gunjan says why so early and Shail says there’s a lot of things to be done and the guests will be arriving in the evening. She takes out an outfit for Gunjan and gets teary eyed. Gunjan notices and tells her yesterday she was wiping her tears and today she herself is crying and Shail says she was thinking of Sneha the way she talks and her dreams. Shail says if there’s anything to be happy about its the fact that Gunjan has happiness in her life. She’s scared that she took a big responsibility and won’t be able to fulfil it. Gunjan tells her with a mother like her nothing can go wrong with the daughter. She thanks Shail for all that she has done for her and thanks her mother for sending an angel for her in a form of Shail. Gunjan says all will be fine and tells her to stop crying and says she’ll get ready. Mayank wakes up with the noise that is going on in the house and realizes he slept off while studying. Seema comes in with outfits for Gunjan and tells Mayank that she hopes at least for today Gunjan wears them for her sake. Mayank says she’ll sure wear it and Seema says if he says so then she’ll definitely wear it and says she’ll bring him some almonds and milk. He gets a phone call from the company and then tells Seema his interview is at 5 and to pray he gets the job. Mayank also tells her its a big IT software company and its everyone’s dream to get the job. Seema says its beyond her understanding but she’ll definitely pray for him. Mayank tells Seema there’s so much noise and he can’t prepare for his interview. She says its bound to happen in a house where the engagement is going to happen. She suggests he study at a friends house and to be back by 4. He agrees and tells her to tell Gunjan the timing of his interview as he considers her his lucky charm.
Seema says of course she’ll tell Gunjan and tells him not to worry. He goes and gets ready. Rachana says she doesn’t have either dark or light red and shows Gunjan an outfit and asks if its red. Gunjan says she’s colour blind as the outfit is either brown or maroon. Rachana says what is she to do and Gunjan tells her all colours suit her especially green and whatever she wears will suit her. Rachana mentions Vihaan’s name and Gunjan teases her. Sangeetha comes and asks what’s happening and Gunjan says Rachana doesn’t have a red outfit to wear and Sangeetha tells them to get it at the bazaar. Rachana says but Gunjan can’t go out. Sangeetha says the market is near and they’ll be back in a hour. Rachana is worried about Shail and Sangeetha says she’ll handle her and tells them to leave early so they’ll be back on time. Gunjan asks her where Mayank is and she says at his friend’s place and that his interview is at 6 and to be back by 5 and its 3 now. Gunjan says they’ll take only half and hour and says they’ll be back in a jiffy. Sangeetha tells Seema to call up Gunjan’s friends. Seema says she hopes its the right number and Sangeetha says she got it from Shail’s diary. Sangeetha calls and talks to Gunjan’s friend Anjali and invites all of her friends to the engagement and says Gunjan will be surprised if they come. Seema says now even this is done and they smile evilly.
Gunjan and Rachana are at the bazaar buying Rachana’s red outfit when Sangeetha calls Gunjan telling her to buy Seema a saree and sweets. Mayank comes home and ask if Gunjan is back but Seema indirectly tells Shail that Gunjan and Rachana have gone to the bazaar. Shail tells Mayank to go ahead for his interview as he’ll be late. Once again Mayank reminds Seema to tell Gunjan to be there at 5 and he leaves. Shail leaves to get something from the neighbor’s house. Gunjan and Rachana come back and Seema and Sangeetha tells her no one is free to pick up her friends they invited to the rokha. Gunjan says she’ll pick them up. Charu meets Mayank at the place where his interview is taking place. She congratulates him on his job and his rokha giving him a present and a rose. Gunjan meets up her friends and tells them they have to go straight to the place where Mayank’s interview is being held. Mayank is being called in for his turn for the interview. He goes in and questions are being asked by the interviewers. Mayank is distracted and doesn’t hear the question and asks it to be repeated. The interviewers notice he is distracted and tells him he lacks concentration and send him out. Sangeetha meanwhile spills coffee on Gunjan's clothes that Seema gave her to wear for the engagement. Shail tells her to put it in Gunjan’s room but doesn’t see what she did to it. Gunjan arrives at the interview place and sees Mayank he angrily scolds her for coming late. She tries to defend herself saying she was told 6 by Seema but he doesn’t believe her and walks away.
Rachana is all dressed in red and Chaya says she looks beautiful. Guest start coming in and Shail is kinda shocked seeing Charu and her family there. Gunjan and Mayank reach the house with Gunjan’s friends. Both of them look angry. Shail tells them to quickly get ready. Mayank in his room is really angry and his mother continues to poison his mind saying Gunjan should not have gone to the bazaar. Gunjan tells Shail that Mayank is getting angry over small things lately. She explains to her that Seema and Sangeetha told her there was no one to pick her friends up so she went. Shail recall Sangeetha telling her otherwise that they told Gunjan Gopal will pick up her friends but she stubbornly wanted to. Shail tells Gunjan no to worry now and to get ready. Gunjan is about to get ready when she sees her outfit stained and is shocked. Sangeetha comes and pretends to be shocked seeing it and tells her there’s only one thing left to do. Mayank looks angry while everyone is joking and laughing. Seema tells Mayank not to pull a long face and says at least she’ll be happy if Gunjan wears the outfit she gave. Charu comes up to Seema and tells her she’s willing to help her do anything. Mayank hears her say that. Shail is observing Charu talking to Seema when Sangeetha tells her that Gunjan is ready Seema asks Sangeetha why did she have to invite Charu. Sangeetha says they are here to take part in her happiness and walks away.
Vihaan and his parents arrive and Rachana is happy to see him. He gives Rachana a thumbs up for her outfit. Rachana blushes. Vihaan tells Mayank Gunjan is smart and beautiful and can get any guy and he is lucky to have her. Mayank looks annoyed. Gunjan is reading the e-mail Akash her father sent her saying he couldn’t make it on such short notice. She e-mails back saying he should be here for her wedding. Rachana and Chaya come and Rachana says she looks beautiful. Gunjan asks how Mayank’s mood is and Rachana says a bit better. They are ready to leave and Chaya says they have to make a grand entrance. Gunjan walks down and everyone is happy seeing her. Mayank looks a bit less angry but Seema tells Sangeetha that Gunjan didn’t wear the outfit she gave her hoping that Mayank will overhear and he does and gets angry again. Gunjan starts dancing with Rachana and Chaya on Jhalla Wallah. While dancing Mayank looks angry and everyone looks a bit uncomfortable. Mayank finally shouts at Gunjan to stop it. Gunjan is shocked and ask what’s wrong with him and he says that she made a fool of him dancing to that song, wore what she wanted, picked up her friends and didn’t bother about him and is selfish. He says Charu is much better than her and says he wished and stops mid sentence. Shail tells them to stop fighting. Gunjan tells her to let him say what he wants and asks him what is it. Mayank says he wish he didn’t say no to marrying Charu. Gunjan and everyone else are shocked but Seema and Sangeetha are happy. Mayank says even after breaking the relation with Charu she still cares for his mother. Gunjan tells him to live his life with whomever he wants to be with. Mayank walks to Charu holds her hands and puts his hands around her and says he’s decided to marry Charu and that Charu is the right girl for him. Everyone is shocked except for Seema and Sangeetha. Gunjan is shocked and upset.
Mayank accuses Gunjan that she does not care for anyone, he tells that Gunjan didn't want to be with him as he is middle class. He believes Gunjan did everything to provoke him. Dayal slaps Mayank. Prabhu asks Seema to shut up but she does not. She starts emotional atyachar that Gunjan will not change and has lot of ego. Mayank asks charu if she will marry him she does not reply but Mayank promises he will come to her house with the proposal. Gunjan runs away ,Rachna follows her and then all the guests leave. Gunjan removes her bangles and jewellery Rachna tells her something is wrong. Gunjan says that it does not make a difference as Mayank has already made up his mind . Gunjan is howling when shayl comes in they hug each other. Shayl consoles her that everything will be all right Gunjan refuses to believe. Shayl says she has an idea how everything is happening. Read more
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