Thursday, 1 December 2016

Want to Dodge Divorce? Look For a Spouse With This Quality

Marriage is a big step, and one that you should take with plenty of calculation. Of course, chances are that if you’re looking at getting hitched, you’ve already spent a fair amount of time thinking about it. That, however, has not stopped the marriage failure rate from hovering at right around 50% – so clearly, that prep time for many couples hasn’t been enough. Given the average divorce can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars up to $30,000 in some cases, you’ll want to make sure you’re doing everything you can to avoid the tolls – both emotional and financial – that a failed marriage can take. So, what can you do? Some people choose to play the percentages. Yes, you should let your heart guide you, but there are many other factors to take into account as well. For example, the odds of divorce skyrocket if you get married after the age of 32, at least according to research from the Institute for Family Studies. Another thing to look out for? The level of education your prospective spouse has achieved. In fact, that may be the most important indicator as to whether or not your marriage will last. We know this by simply looking at the numbers. A recent report from the Pew Research team, which cites data from the National Center for Health Statistics from between 2006 and 2010, says “college-educated women have an almost eight-in-ten chance of still being married after two decades.” Specifically, the numbers tell us that approximately 78% of college-educated women who married for the first time during that time period will likely still be married 20 years from now – which is huge, considering that for women with only a high school education or less, that rate is 40%. What does that mean for you? Find an educated spouse. It looks as though that one trait makes a gigantic difference. Read more

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