Tuesday, 6 December 2016

4 Signs You’re Still Not Over Your Ex

Ending a relationship with someone you thought you would spend your life with can be very painful. Not surprisingly, it can be incredibly hard to let go. Some days are easier than others, and you’ll no doubt run into some bumps along the road to recovery. However, you may find yourself getting overwhelmed by memories of your ex, and it can be hard to pull yourself back to reality and remind yourself that it’s over. In How to Get Over a Breakup: How to Get Over Your Ex Today, Richard Moore said,You can’t make smart decisions, you can’t control your emotions, and it hurts. There is nothing worse than a fresh breakup; it’s as if someone is sticking his arm into your chest and squeezing your heart. You fear sleeping alone at night. You resent happy people. You see them walking down the road holding hands and you look away. You start to look at the calendar and count the days until Christmas. You know exactly what you’re going to do: sleep through New Year’s.
If this sounds like you, there’s a possibility you may not be over your ex. However, if you want to move on with your life and develop meaningful romantic relationships, it will be important for you to work on resolving this setback and gaining some closure. Here are some signs you may still bestuck in the past.
1. Almost everything reminds you of your ex
If you’re constantly triggered by reminders of your partner, this is an indication you haven’t moved on. Every little reminder should not reduce you to tears and fill you with longing. One way to remedy this dilemma is to do a little house cleaning. Relationship expert Eddie Corbano said 'I always recommend cleaning up your house and getting rid of everything that reminds you of your ex. Nothing should remind you about the past at home. And remember what is most important: do not torture yourself with unnecessary memories! There is this curious affinity to suffering. Something forces us to rethink, to evaluate, and to relive the moments of the break-up again and again, as if we will gain something very important from it. In fact, the exact opposite is the case: we suffer and move deeper and deeper into the vicious circle of negative emotions. Read more

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